Monday, November 16, 2009

Swimming in Falgstaff

Kaden and Tristen went swimming in 40 degree weather!! Ok so it was an indoor jacuzzi but they had a blast! When they got out steam was comming off their clothes!!



We saw SANTA!!

We got to go on a The Polar Express for the ride to the North Pole. We saw SANTA! They were so excited to see him. Santa gave them each a bell that only you can hear if you believe and we heard it!! Tristen and Kaden had a blast with all of their cousins.
We are excited to go to the NORTH POLE!

We got hot chocolate and cookies and sang Christmas carols!
We met SANTA!!

Santa gave them a Bell!
Courtney and Jen got one too!

Tristen is already planning our next trip to the north pole next year!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Man this kid is cute!!!

Lovely Homework

Tristen has started doing fractions in school. I knew I should have paid more attention in school! I never thought about having to teach it to my children!! Luckily Adam remembers how to do it and is helping him with his homework. We would be in big trouble if I had to learn third grade math all over again.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just Starting

Wow lets see how long I can actually stay with this!! I am the worst person on keeping track of life. But I need to start somewhere.